Student Outreach Committee
Who Are We?
The Student Outreach Committee serves as the liason between the rest of the Youth Advisory Council and the various student governments and student groups in our region. Our mission is to ensure that the YAC is holding true to its missions of representing young people in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Our most important initiative is ‘Every University Every Student’. We are working tirelessly to provide every university student in our region with all access transit passes through SEPTA’s UPASS Program. Read on to learn more and see how you can get involved.

Christian Szalwinski
“We won’t stop until every student in Southeastern Pennsylvania has access to SEPTA. Free access to transit is the key to breaking the campus bubble and completely unlocking in our beautiful region.”
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What Is UPASS?
Student-Based Benefit Program
All Access SEPTA Passes
Loaded Onto SEPTA Key
Does My School Have It?
Swarthmore College
ACTIVE: Swarthmore began the UPASS Program in the 23-24 academic year and has since enjoyed all access passes to the SEPTA system. They travel often and use the pass to break out of their campus bubble and explore their region. Popular destinations include: Center City and Media.
Villanova University
PILOT: Villanova University enrolled in a pilot program for their Spring 24 semester. It remains to be seen whether or not they will choose to expand in the future.
Drexel University
ACTIVE: Drexel offers the UPASS to its PHD students as well as its employees. Drexel has not yet expressed interest in expanding the program to its undergraduate students.
Bryn Mawr College
ACTIVE: Bryn Mawr College is the second higher education institution to participate in the SEPTA Key Advantage UPass program (following Swarthmore College). Beginning September 1, more than 1,500 Bryn Mawr College students will be eligible to ride SEPTA – at no cost to them.
More Information
SEPTA Website
Use SEPTA's Website To Learn More
To learn more about this program as well as see what other benefits SEPTA offers, use the button below to be redirected to the SEPTA website. Here you will find more detailed information about the UPASS Program as well as other helpful information.